Documenting Processes

You can write documentation for each individual task and/or for the process as a whole, to make it easier to use and understand.

This documentation can be exported as a .pdf file.

In the documentation dialog box you can format the text, add tables, today's date, numbered and bullet lists and so on.

Documentation is also divided into operational and technical sections, making it even easier to find the information you need.


  1. Open the Process Documentation pane in one of the following ways:

    • to document the entire process click the Edit process documentation icon in the command bar.

    • to document a specific task open the task and click on the Documentation tab.

  2. Enter the text you want to display in the Operational and/or Technical tab, and format it as required.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Click the Export process documentation icon in the toolbar.

  5. Enter a name for the document and browse to where you want to save it.

  6. Click Save.