Exporting Processes by Task

The Export Current Process task, exports PRCX files (PRC in previous versions) locally or via remote connections from the process it is inserted in.

For further information

For further information see Exporting Rulex Processes


Additional tabs

Along with the Options tab, where the task can be configured, the following additional tabs are provided:


  1. Drag and drop the Export Current Process task onto the stage.

  2. Connect a task from the process you want to export to the new task.

  3. Double click the Export Current Process task. 

  4. Configure the options described in the table below.

  5. Save and compute the task.

Export Current Process options:

Parameter Name





Select the export option to define how the file will be saved.

Possible options are:

  • Store file - to save the file in the specified location

  • Send via email - to send the PRCX file as an email attachment to the addresses specified in the Recipients for export via email list

  • Both - to save the file in the specified location and send it as an email attachment to the specified recipients. 

Export URI


Select where you want the PRCX file to be saved.

Possible options are:

  • Local File System

  • SharePoint

  • HDFS

  • AWS S3

  • FTP

For all options except local file system, you must then configure the remote connections options in the corresponding tab.



Enter the directory where the file will be saved, or browse to its location using the browse button.

File basename


Enter the name which will be given to the exported file. If you do not want to enter a specific name, you can decide to use the process name itself, with a timestamp to uniquely identify each export file.

Use process name as basename


If selected, the name of the process will be used as the name of the exported file.

It is recommended to add a timestamp as a suffix or prefix to uniquely identify the file. Otherwise your export file will be overwritten each time you compute the task.

Add current date and time as prefix


If selected, a timestamp, with the date and time when the file was exported, is added to the start of the file name. This prefix can be used to uniquely identify the file, and ensures that each export does not overwrite any previous files. 

Add current date and time as suffix


If selected, a timestamp, with the date and time when the file was exported, is added to the end of the file name. This suffix can be used to uniquely identify the file, and ensures that each export does not overwrite any previous files. 

Recipients for export via email (use comma as separator)


Enter here a list of email addresses, which will receive the exported PRCX file as an attachment. 

Each separate address must be separated by a comma.