Analyzing Task Performance

When a process is computed in Rulex, it may be useful to understand how much time was required by each individual task in the process to load, run and store data.

The Performance Analyzer task allows you to easily understand the time distribution of a process computation, divided by task and task type.

The last 10 tasks in the process are displayed by default, but you can modify this number.

The total time summaries (Total execution time, Total load time, Total run time, Total store time) refer to the whole process, and not just the tasks included in the graph.


  1. Compute your process.

  2. Click the Performance Analyzer task in the command bar.

  3. If required, modify the number of tasks included in the graph. By default the last 10 tasks are displayed.

  4. In the Order by drop down list, select how you want to order the graph. Options are:

    • Total - to display the tasks according the their overall length

    • Load - to display the tasks according the time they took to load data

    • Run - to display the tasks according the time they took to execute

    • Store - to display the tasks according the time they took to save and store data

  5. Click Close to return to the main screen.


The following graph shows the last 9 tasks in the process, ordered by the time they took to save and store data.

Each task displays the time it took to store, run and load data.