Checking the Validity of Processes with the Workflow Review Tool

The Workflow Review Tool is used to check the validity of your process. Rules and best practices are defined in an excel file, which can be configured as required.

This tool is essential to ensure that your processes satisfy compliance constraints to avoid generating errors in production, and is particularly useful when new rules are identified, as the updated excel file can be used to check multiple processes and spot where the new rule is not respected quickly and easily.

Best practices can also be identified to improve the quality of your processes and avoid warnings.



  1. Right-click the process you want to check in the Processes pane. Multiple processes can be selected at the same time keeping the SHIFT button pressed as you make selections.

  2. Select Workflow Review Tool.

  3. Configure the remaining options as described in the table below.

  4. Click Ok. The validity check will be executed immediately and a results file will be saved in the directory indicated below. 

Workflow Review Tool Options

Parameter Name


Input file URI

Select how you want to import the excel configuration file. The file can be located either:

  • on your local file system, or

  • remotely via HTTP API, SharePoint, HDFS, AWS S3 or FTP. If you decide to import the file via remote connection, you must configure the connection in the Remote Connections tab.

Input excel file path

Click the browse button to navigate to the Excel file you want to import and click Open, or manually enter the name of the file. 

Output file URI

Select how you want to export the results file. The file can be located either:

  • on your local file system, or

  • remotely via HTTP API, SharePoint, HDFS, AWS S3 or FTP. If you decide to import the file via remote connection, you must configure the connection in the Remote Connections tab.

Output directory

Click the browse button to navigate to the folder where you want to save the results file, or manually enter the name of the file. 

Output excel file basename

Enter a name for the excel file that will contain the results.

Save all options in the local cache

if selected, the options specified for this task are saved locally on your pc, and do not need to be redefined each time the task is used.


The output results file contains a tab for each process that has been checked with all warning/error messages generated, and an overall summary tab.

The summary tab displays general information such as the names of all checked processes, the numbers of errors and warnings found, the number of rules defined, and the start and end time of the process.

The tabs for each individual process contain the type of rule (error, warning or custom types), the sheet where the rule was not satisfied (e.g. Workflow) and the line which contains the violated rule, the task and corresponding option which did not respect the rule and an error message explaining the issue for each entry.

Errors are displayed first, followed by warnings and then any custom rule types defined.