Fixed issues in Rulex 4.7.4




Sensitivity label was not added correctly while exporting via email


Now sensitivity label is added correctly to mail attachments in export tasks.

Some workflow topologies were not exported correctly if only workflow option is selected


Critical topologies are now correctly managed.

A CVE was discovered in the third party library cURL used by Rulex 4 software.


cURL library is now updated to version 8.4.0, which fixes the CVE.

Cast of ambiguous format date led to an unhandled exception if several casts were performed in the same Data Manager history


The unhandled exception is now prevented from happening and a managed error is returned instead.

The Export Process task did not add sensitivity label if the prcx was exported locally


The sensitivity label is now correctly added.

Remove row operation on an empty dataset led on an unhandled exception


The unhandled exception is now prevented from happening.

In some cases the decryption of a unencrypted string led to an unhandled exception


The unhandled exception is now prevented from happening.

Casting an empty column to binary type led to an unhandled exception


The unhandled exception is now prevented from happening.

Import from Database task GUI interface ignored changes to the case sensitive option


GUI has been corrected.

Repeat query in case of error in an Import from Database task did not work if “wait for data” option was checked


Issue has now been solved.

The Search manager did not find the correct string if spaces were present at the beginning or at the end of the searched string


Now, the spaces surrounding strings are deleted.

Join management of results in case of columns with the same name in both datasets was not correct and led to duplicated columns with the same name.


Issue has been solved, and columns are now correctly clarified.

Excel file containing cells with float numbers in a Date format cell led to an unhandled exception during the import phase.


Excel files containing this type of cells are now correctly imported.