Fixed Issues in Rulex 4.7.2




A driver entry in the Database Connection String was always added, even in presence of a DSN entry. This led to DSN issues in some database scenarios (i.e., DOMO Connection).

The driver entry is no longer automatically inserted if Azure Data Warehouse is selected as the type of database.

Vault variables where the secret value was None led to the computation stopping due to an unhandled exception.


Vault variables whose secret value is None are now ignored in the computation routine.

Azure BLOB Storage was not correctly uploading blobs, if the blob name contained spaces, and the Access Account Key was used as the authentication method.


Now the upload to Azure BLOB Storage operation in the described configuration is managed correctly.

The Azure BLOB Storage remote connector ignored the prefix/suffix timestamp options in export tasks.


The prefix/suffix timestamp options are now correctly managed, also in the Azure BLOB Storage remote connector.

The Network Optimizer process was left hanging when infeasible problems were provided.


The Network Optimizer computation is now threaded to permit the routine to be killed after 10 minutes. A managed error is then returned in this long-kill case.

Non-UTF-8 characters present in database tables were imported incorrectly as spurious characters in Rulex's internal datasets.

Non-UTF-8 characters are now ignored in import database table and are not imported in Rulex's internal datasets.

Wildcards were recursive on subfolders.


Wildcards consider now only the starting folder and not any subfolders.

The init computation setup was not correctly handling some topology and priority situations.

CS-1893, CS-1928

The init computation setup has now been fixed.