What's New in Rulex 4.7
New Features Description New option in Moving Windows task NEW A new option, Remove incomplete final rows, has been added to the Moving Windows task, which, when selected, removes incomplete final rows from the dataset in output. This behaves in the same way as the sister-option, Remove incomplete initial rows. The corresponding parametric option is noend. Smart type recognition in import tasks NEW A new option, Turn off smart type recognition, has been added to all import from file tasks (Text, Excel, JSON and XML), which, when selected, prevents automatic recognition of data types, leaving the generic nominal type. This option is useful when manual identification is preferable, for example when there is the risk of a code being misinterpreted as a date. However, if data types have been specifically defined in incoming MS Excel files, these data types will be maintained, even when the Turn off smart type recognition option has been selected. The corresponding parametric option is nosmarttype. New encoding options for text file export NEW New encoding options have been added to the Character encoding for output file feature, when exporting text files. The new supported options are UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE, while previously only ASCII and UTF-8 (default) were available. Response path for JSON and XML export tasks NEW An entry response URI has been added to the Export to JSON and Export to XML tasks, which can redirect API responses from HTTP calls to external sources, such as SharePoint and S3. The response path corresponds to the filename, with the complete path for local file systems, and the remote directory for external sources. Wildcards supported in parametric options for file names NEW Wildcards can now be used in parametric options, and in a filename/file list. For example, entering C:\Software\*.csv during a file import, will result in the bulk import all the files in the Software folder, whose extension is .csv. Wildcards can be used in file names, but not in folder names, or in file extensions. Remember that only one ' * ' is accepted in wildcards. If the file extension is not actually specified when using a wildcard, files with extensions appropriate to the task in use will be searched for. For example, the extensions .xlsx, .xlsm for Import from Excel File, and .csv, .txt, .tab, etc. for Import from Text File. New databases supported in import NEW Two additional platforms are now supported in the Import from Database and Conditional Import tasks: Microsoft Access Database, and IBM DB2 AS400 Series. To configure the Import from DB task for Microsoft Access, it is necessary to: install its specific driver (Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)). enter the name of the driver in the Driver option. browse to the file you want to import in the Database File Name option. Enter 1 for Bulksize for Prefetch option. New Logistic regularization method NEW Ridge regularization has been added to the Logistic task. Regularization methods are used to avoid the risk of over-fitting, when input attributes are highly correlated. The corresponding parametric option, where the regularization method can be specified, is regmethod. Changed features Description Management of process variables in process import operations CHANGE When a process is imported into Rulex, and the Use Current Process option is selected, the values of process variables in the new imported process now overwrite those in the current process, when they have the same name. This makes it possible to export a process, and its specific configuration, and import it with the same pattern of variables. UNICODE format automatically recognized CHANGE The Character encoding for input file option now lists UNICODE, instead of UTF-8, in the Import from Text File task. This is because Rulex is able to automatically identify the correct UNICODE format, between UTF-8, UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE. New text formats available in export tasks CHANGE A new file extension is now supported in the Export to Text File task (File extension option in the File Format tab). Along with the previously supported .csv, .tab, .txt and .data formats, it is now possible to export files with the .tsv format (tab separated version). When selected, the data separator is automatically set to \t TABBING. Logs now contain information on external database sources CHANGE Information regarding external database sources, such as the server and port, is now included in the Rulex logs. Sensitive data, such as usernames and passwords , are not displayed.New features
Changed features