Fixed Issues in Rulex 4.5.1
Issue | Solution |
The Use Current feature when merging versioning branches was sometimes blocked by a file access error. The file appears not be be correctly closed by the internal routine. | A retry mechanism has been added to any file closure routine. Moreover in cases where the file could not be closed an error is thrown to properly stop the evaluation. This should solve the issue encountered during Versioning Merge Use Current operation. |
Indirect string sort lead to an unhandled exception in some random situations, where there was a high level of memory consumption. | The indirect sort function has been modified to prevent the occurrence of unhandled exceptions. |
In some particular situations when the same column was concatenated between attributes and results, unexpected behavior was encountered when using the outer concat option. | The outer concat has been fixed to correctly manage the concatenation of attribute and result columns. |
In automatic conversions performed in the Data Manager during ifelse operations between nominal and continuous columns, the precision of the continuous column was cut to the preference precision. | Now the precision is maintained as high as possible during the conversion. |
The Dataset to Ruleset and Ruleset to Dataset tasks beahved incorrectly when managing conditions with Date type attributes. | The conversion mechanism has been improved to avoid those issues occurring. |
The Workflow Review Tool raised an error when there were double quotes in the Rule-Type column. | The Workflow Review Tool has been fixed in order to correctly manage double quotes. |
The DecisionTree raised stack overflow errors in particular cases. | The algorithm has been fixed in order to prevent these errors occurring. |
An overly restrictive condition for the upper bound of constraints in the mixed integer linear programming problem at the kernel of the Network Optimizer task lead to unfeasibility in very rare situations or required increasing the number of iterations to reach the optimal solution. | The upper bound is now properly set in every situation. |